
Livity Sound 53 by Toma Kami

Livity Sound 53 review

Toma Kami returns to Livity Sound for a third EP of provocative, experimental club gear. At the helm of his own Man Band label the French producer continues to explore a hybridised style which favours fractured beats, playful samples and occasional psychedelic flourishes. Compared to the busier sound of previous releases, minimalism informs Toma’s approach on LIVITY053 as he sits his crunchy drums and weighty low-end in a tangibly spacious mix on ‘Amapicante’. Even within a stripped-down context, his unique approach shines through as ‘Later To The Bone’ progressively ramps up in scratched and scuffed sonic interference and ‘Mzecal’ trips over its own fragmented found-sound drum formations.

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