
Multi Culti 60 by Shella Chandra, A Zillas On Acid, Inigo Vontier, Sababa 5, Yurika, Kino Todo, Danelz, Andi Otto, Evariste Karinganire, Golden Bug

Multi Culti 60 review

Multi Culti return with five mind-altering bangers on Solstice II, an appropriately diverse collection of music for the label’s flagship 12” series Axial Tilt, celebrating cosmic collisions, chaos magick, transcendent dance and inner balance. In a watershed moment for the globally-garnered imprint, Sheila Chandra’s "Raqs" gets a licensed rework by Zillas On Acid and it’s a bonafide spine-shaking psychedelic chakra-elevator. Keeping up the energy level but speeding up the tempo, Calypso Cult regular, Mexico's Inigo Vontier shreds out powerful didgeridoo-based peak-time ignition on the A2. Frenzy, already. The B side kicks off with a massive main-room remix of Sababa 5 "Nasnuda" courtesy of Israeli trance-master Kino Todo & Danelz, chopping the amazingly catchy and beautiful vocals of Japanese vocalist Yurika into a club-pumping ear-worm.

Andi Otto brings things back down to the lower tempos Multi Culti is associated with, joining forces with Rwandan dancer and singer Evariste KaringanireE for a wonky, stompy and most of all unique track. Finally, cult wizard Golden Bug turns in another spooky, subliminal groove, sounding like Toulouse Low Trax having a puff with Aleister Crowley - witchy incantation meets hypnotic beat

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