
Ant Zen Act 175 DVD by Mimetic

  • Label: Ant Zen
  • Title: Desire
  • Reference: Ant Zen Act 175 DVD
  • Format: DVD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Dvd selecta
  • Style: Art
  • Weight: 0.50
  • Release date: 05/06/2006
  • Catalog entry: 05/06/2006
  • Average rating:

Ant Zen Act 175 DVD review

mimetic is the solo project of jerome soudan - a drummer for european industrial and experimental bands such as von magnet or column one. his classical background is best seen by his playing of orchestral percussion and computing pieces for contemporary music performances (with art zoyd & kasper t.toeplitz). he has also composed music for dance companies like ndt2 in the netherlands. in france, he wrote a pre-thesis about industrial music for the university of lyon (1993). also while in france he contributed to the industrial music scene by organising festivals and concerts in paris. in addition he developed a network for musicians in europe and he continued this network while living in berlin. after several releases on various european labels, mimetic has released his first dvd via a collaborative effort between ant-zen and parametric. 'sacred aim' feeds the eyes with a big collection of video clips that combine small scripts, visual effects, flashing colors, black & white pictures, moving puppet animations and more. this dvd follows mimetic's recent big tours in europa, u.s.a., canada and japan, in addition the dvd features bonus material - including an interview, a documentary about his eastern european tour, two concert tracks from canada, and some other special surprises. if you are familiar with mimetic's powerful mix of electronica and beats, symphonic textures and incredibly well-placed samples then you now have the opportunity to stimulate your aural senses. if you are not familiar then go discover an artist who is something else - a fine addition to the audio & visual world of ant-zen.

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