
Isope 06 by Godlike 3000

  • Label: Isope
  • Title: Evilminded
  • Reference: Isope 06
  • Format: 2xLP Splattered
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: Breakcore Rock wave punk
  • Style: Breakcore, Metal, Punk
  • Weight: 0.60
  • Release date: 08/08/2024
  • Catalog entry: 08/08/2024
  • Average rating:

Isope 06 review

Fuck our bodies - or are our bodies fucked? -
Like the 32 steps it took (actually it felt like chunga Godlike3000)
before this complex and corrupt Third World Bomb came to this grotesque release.

No lady cadaver or cryptic messiah was spared when going straight to hell, accompanied by their flying body parts and tortured genitalia.

No comments are wasted on AMFRS & my fav Hollywood whore
when they die in a murder of GT flames

Oh and quick recoup to *corrupt* :

TO BUILD A WALL AROUND GUATEMALA - now we know he isn’t quarantined in the White House anymore - - -
assuring that the orange-wigged-mad-man can’t go putting
his greasy fingers on GUA's fabulous nature & people.

Building materials will consist out of fruit and vegetables for the best repellent result :-D

Have a nice day and as always PLAY IT LOUD!

! ! ! RUIDO HECHO EN GUA ! ! !

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