
North Quarter 35 by Zero T, Onj

  • Label: The North Quarter
  • Title: Kilburn
  • Reference: North Quarter 35
  • Format: 2X12'' LP
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Drum And Bass
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 03/05/2023
  • Catalog entry: 03/05/2023
  • Average rating:

North Quarter 35 review

Veteran Drum & Bass producer Zero T returns to The North Quarter as he teams up with blind jazz pianist Andre Louis (PKA Onj) on their conceptual album Kilburn.

Having fortuitously discovered that they are neighbours in autumn 2021, Zero T & Onj began writing music together almost immediately. The duo's chemistry was undeniable as Kilburn was written over the course of just three months. With Kilburn being historically known for its large Caribbean and Irish communities, and Zero T being Irish and Onj of Caribbean heritage, it felt undeniable to dedicate the album after the London area it was written in.

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