
No Fridge 25 by Dj Click, Hamadcha de Fès

  • Label: No Fridge
  • Title: Art Of Beat
  • Reference: No Fridge 25
  • Format: 12" White
  • Country: MA
  • Categories: Folktronic / postworld / jazz
  • Style: Oriental Electro, Folktronic
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/03/2022
  • Catalog entry: 06/03/2022
  • Average rating:

No Fridge 25 review

The Hamadcha of Fez are dervishes belonging to the very old (XVII) Moroccan Sufi
brotherhood Hamdouchiyia. Its members are mystics who sing and dance to trance
in honor of the holy founder, the miracle worker Sidi Ali Ben Hamdouch.
During a performance their amazing spiritual and artistic practices transmit to those
who approach them their “baraka”, a divine grace.
The audience vibrates and moves to the rhythms of the dervishes songs, tempos,
stories and fascinating dances.
Dj Click puts down his suitcases in the heart of the old city. He goes in search of
atypical sounds coming from the heart of the streets, soaks up the atmospheres,
then offering us a sound postcards where tradition alongside modernity.
He is the first producer to be accepted into their brotherhood for a such meeting!

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