
Zimp 04 LTD by Filthy Rich, Yu Ikemoto, No Restraint

Zimp 04 LTD review

Crazy unformated EP, digging between styles !

Starting with a fat Breakbeat basslined undestructible tune...

With some scratch tools between tunes on each side...

And then a kicker Dub (more Stepper really). 160 BPM massive... Rave style. Dark.

The flip opens with a 148 BPM progressive Technoïd tune : no one can imagine where it will lead to when listening to it... A story telling ! Suspense....

Than comes another creative broken Tek track... and the finish is a Big Beat killer of a kind...

A superb EP out of formats.. Offering a brillant printed sleeve !!!

A must have for any unformated sounds lovers !

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