
Galletas Bailables 09 by Fou Malade & Niagass, Tambour Battant, Prosper, Le Marabout

Galletas Bailables 09 review

Born from a virtual encounter in lockdown between two Parisian neighbors, the DJ/producer Prosper and saxophonist Le Marabout, this new playful and joyous project is pulling freely from the Afro, Funk, Disco, Hip-Hop, Oriental and Electro influences of the two artists.
The iconoclastic DJ Romain “Prosper” Coolen, fervent purveyor of no holds barred euphoria on the dance floor, and the versatile saxophonist, composer and jack-of-all-trades Johann “Le Marabout” Guihard offer us a lavish, eclectic, uninhibited, coherent and furiously groovy listening experience.

First single “C’est Vrai“, from their forthcoming album ‘Le Moustache Conspiracy’ (released October 2022) is a banging Electro Afro Funk joint featuring Fou Malade and Niagass, two luminaries of the Senegalese Hip-Hop scene.

Over the bouncing beat and snarling horns, these two juggle lyrics back and forth in Wolof (Senegal’s most widely spoken language), calling out those fake friends who smile in your face before stabbing you in the back.

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