
Knite Hectic 08 by DJ Sy, Unknown

  • Label: Kniteforce
  • Title: Are You Ready EP
  • Reference: Knite Hectic 08
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Electro / breaks
  • Style: Hardcore UK, Jungle
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/18/2022
  • Catalog entry: 09/18/2022
  • Average rating:

Knite Hectic 08 review

DJ Sy & Unknown made a few appearances on Hectic back in the day but this is their first outing, and they really brought their A game to this EP! Both tracks are sublime examples of the early hardcore sound and they still sound amazing today. Are You Ready has the summer of 1994 written all over it, like a snapshot of that time and place. Then the flip is just another slice of history. More emotional, more of a journey through sound, and proof that breakbeat hardcore was and remains a beautiful genre that is still beloved many so many.

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