
KAOS 12 by Not Yet, Sue Lèwig, Keepsakes, Not A Headliner

  • Label: KAOS
  • Title: HARD POP EP
  • Reference: KAOS 12
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/16/2022
  • Catalog entry: 09/16/2022
  • Average rating:

KAOS 12 review

"I created KAOS as the ultimate DJ weapon toolbox. It's purpose was to make records that could save a night or a mix. Records that melted the eras, the places. Records for which people would always ask TRACK ID? Records contrived in the floor for the floor. And I'm pretty sure that we are accomplishing this purpose. As hardcore pop culture admires, this is our contribution to it.
Proudly introducing: HARD POP.

You know this name better than you think, but we love to twist it. Not Yet delivers a full force mechanical techno avalanche extracting the code from pioneers of the style such as Glen Wilson or Chris Liebing.

On the follow, one of our most amazing recent discoveries, Sue Lewig brings tripping techno to the next level. What seems to be a mental track switches into a quasi industrial dance floor opera. Not suitable for purist. The first but not the last on KAOS

Flip the record to find the New Zealand legend, Keepsakes. Finger zaps on the 2 and the 4, primitive as a Neanderthal, here the shamanic effort our deal fella living in the other side of the planet and owner from HAVEN.

To finalise the issue, one of the upcoming Spanish prodigy producers. NotAHeadliner has studied the 2000's era as if he would have worked in the golden days of The Record Loft. Bringing the spice of funk in the continuous fashion from our label to embrace the iconic sound.

With this 12 issue we are further than I ever have thought, appreciate your continuous support. This is what we love to do."

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