
KR3 008 by s/h/u/y/a

  • Label: KR3
  • Title: The Sleeper
  • Reference: KR3 008
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno, Industrial Techno, Noise
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 10/30/2022
  • Catalog entry: 10/30/2022
  • Average rating:

KR3 008 review

KR3 Records, is proud to welcome – Shuya – to its roster.

The Japanese producer whose influences come mostly from the Noise Scene, began his sonic journey as a singer and guitarist with the experimental avant-garde group called Qujaku.

With his s/h/u/y/a solo project he keeps
a noise-industrial attitude to his electronic music productions.
The beginning of his collaboration with KR3 was therefore inevitable. The artist and the label share a mutual approach to sound, with the processing of raw materials into scratchy, deep and mental beats playing a key part in their interpretation of Techno.

The Sleeper EP – is the first vinyl release under this pseudonym.
The cover art is curated by the designer Pablo I Prada, who says about his works: “I try to capture human evil in my paintings”. With his music, Shuya does exactly the same. His productions are a disturbing mixture of noise-techno that perfectly evokes the infernal spirit of human existence that also appears in the artwork.

The Sleeper, is a cerebral, red-painted sonic assault. The intro and outro are composed by recordings of his voice and guitar riffs that show us how deep is his connection to his artistic origins.

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