
Braindance 01 by DJ Mudak 2000, FTL

  • Label: Braindance
  • Title: Braindance EP
  • Reference: Braindance 01
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: IR
  • Categories: Ragga jungle
  • Style: Jungle
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/24/2023
  • Catalog entry: 02/24/2023
  • Average rating:

Braindance 01 review

Braindance is the second, highly anticipated, collaborative EP from Irish producer DJ Mudak 2000 and French producer FTL, landing on their new label as the debut release.

Produced in Dublin & Paris, the two prolific junglists have encapsulated the intricacies of modern jungle while still highlighting the emotive elements of yesteryear.

The first track "I Wanna" begins as a fantastically light, classic jungle track with piercing soul vocals that unpacks into a soaring brawl of amens and intense 808s. A great representation of the duality of light and dark elements which make this whole EP a standout.

A2 "Barriers" is a driving, high tempo club ready cut. There is absolutely no messing about with this one, in your face reese business for the peak timers. On the flipside, title track "Braindance" is a complex yet ethereal roller carried along by hovering staccato vocals that are contrasted with a deep cutting sub that will hit you in all of the right spots.

The final track "Chasing A Dream" lives up to its name as its emotive synth lines and Sad Boys-esque cowbells will fill you with the tangible feelings of want and passion.

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