
Hymen 53 by Somatic Responses

  • Label: Hymen
  • Title: Giauzar
  • Reference: Hymen 53
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Breakcore
  • Style: Dancefloor
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/10/2006
  • Catalog entry: 06/10/2006
  • Average rating:

Hymen 53 review

somatic responses have become a household name in experimental electronic music by reanimating classic electronic music styles with distortion and tempo to create a new futuristic sound. this album, dedicated to the memory of their father john healy, ranges between dark rhythmic downtempo pieces ('b boy 3000), hard-driven broken beats ('shell') and threatening, soundtrackish electro-ambience which evokes the memory of john carpenter as viewed through bullet-shattered glass ('heliuminum'). somatic responses puts you into a swirling bed of synth clouds while producing an album which proves that ruptured hard-drives of broken-beated chaos can still elicit emotions beyond those of a confused tedium. diversified and ingenious is the best way to describe this new album. an album which leaves you breathless.

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