
Sneaker Social Club LP 10 by J-Shadow

Sneaker Social Club LP 10 review

Rushing out advanced patterns that springboard from hi-tek soul, jungle, footwork and weightless grime into unknown zones, J-Shadow arrives on Sneaker Social Club with an album which cements his status as a true sonic scientist.

Since his first drops some five years prior, the London-based DJ/producer has weaved a web of intrigue across labels like Bun The Grid, Nous Disques, Warehouse Rave and an album last year for Keysound. Through it all, he’s demonstrated a prodigal affinity for the elements of hardcore -rooted soundsystem culture without ever being beholden by the perceived rules of dance music. In his hands, tracks can hover in suspense without ever needing a breakdown or build-up, pivoting on skittering drum machine pulses or teetering on the precipice of mountainous subs, gliding on celestial pads or skating into abyssal negative space. The acknowledgement for past methods is there in some of the canonical samples - like where Heather O’Rourke’s Poltergeistcall takes on a truly alternative dimension subtly bedded into the vast swathes of ‘Beneath The Undertow’ - but nothing is as it seems.

The End Of All Physical Form is no self-consciously ‘deconstructed’ record, though. It’s futurist rather than post-modern, carrying on the legacy of jungle and other such forms as vehicles for innovation and urgent exploration, bristling with energy and still, ironically, physical despite the mutated forms the beats and basslines manifest in. Find these works an open-eared soundsystem and they’ll absolutely do the damage, taking the dance somewhere far beyond in the process.

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