
Blanc Manioc 21 by La Dame, Cyril Atef, Asna, Dom Peter, MC Waraba, Sly A 10, Pedro Bertho, Sheitan Brothers, Chabela, Pulo N'Dj, Pangar, Swordman, AnyoneID, Aunty Rayzor, Cardozo, Pratika, Oyoki Onanayo, Stelair

Blanc Manioc 21 review

Blanc Manioc present NYAMAKALA BEATS N°3 their third compilation, and frst-ever vinyl release, due in the spring of 2022.
The label, once again, brings together its extended global musical family - Cardozo, La Dame, Asna, Mc Waraba, Praktika, Aunty Razor, Sheitan Brothers and Pedro
Bertho. Blanc Manioc also showcase new family members - Sly A10, Chabela, Pangar and AnyoneID. Rising starts of Abidjan, Oyoki Onanayo and Stelair, and South
African heroes, Aero Manyelo, Shujaa Bora, Pulo N'Dj and Mc Swordman also join the family with contributions to the release.
Running parties, festivals and courses in Abidjan (Le Maquis Electroniq), Blanc Manioc pioneer extraordinary talents between Africa and Europe. As well as presenting their frst vinyl release, Blanc Manioc will launch "Blanc Manioc party” this year, a live event following the "Nyamakala" principles (Nyamakala" means "the antidote of evil” in Mandinka) curing the people through dance.

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