
Blanc Manioc 24 by Sarera Chiconi, Blanc Manioc, Tushen Raï, Cornelius Doctor, Praktika, Deena Abdewahed, Pangar

Blanc Manioc 24 review

This album, entitled "Walimizi" will be composed of three original tracks: "Tseki", "Tsindzaka" and "Laisse-moi danser" by Sarera x Blanc Manioc, as well as four remixes by well-known artists of the pan-African electronic music scene: Cornelius Doctor & Tushen Raï, Deena Abdelwahed, PANGAR and Praktika! All these artists are close to the Blanc Manioc and Kayamba collectives, and have already come to Mayotte for the
festival. They will be considerable assets to increase the international visibility of the project.
Also, a remix contest will be organized and open to anyone living on the island or originating from the island in order to select a remix created by an artist from Mayotte that will be integrated into the fnal online album.

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