
Void 1 02 by Perc

  • Label: Void 1
  • Title: Wave Cannon EP
  • Reference: Void 1 02
  • Format: 12" EP
  • Country: IT
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/01/2023
  • Catalog entry: 09/01/2023
  • Average rating:

Void 1 02 review

Void 1 is proud to present their 2nd record of 2023. You know how in superhero movies there's always a point where the "good guys" face someone who wipes the floor with them and then out of nowhere, a character appears that is so ridiculously overpowered that he solves the situation while casually drinking a beer? This is exactly how this record sounds like and it is by none other than master Perc himself. "Wave Cannon" is a stomping floor-scorcher, "Loose fit" is a groove-monster that we can't get enough of and "Crowd Control" has some eerie, dangerous vibes.

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