
Unknown Untitled 06 by Unknown Artist

Unknown Untitled 06 review

Since the early days of electronic music, white label records have been inextricably linked to DJ culture and the ways in which underground music has been disseminated. unknown - untitled draws on the white label concept withholding details about the producers behind the tracks and leaving listeners to draw their own conclusions about what they’re hearing.

The concept label focuses primarily on vinyl releases, with previews of the tracks available online, but information about the artists only to be found within the record sleeve itself. The roster ranges from new and emerging producers to more established artists looking to explore new sounds.

Picking up where they left off 9 months ago, the sixth release ventures into uncharted territories with a brand-new format that will keep you guessing, spanning a multitude of genres within the expansive realm of electronic music. With online personas often eclipsing the focus on music itself, here lies a return to form.

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