
Angrr 16 RP by Secret Chiefs 3

  • Label: a N G R r
  • Title: Second Grand Constitution And Bylaws: Hurqalya
  • Reference: Angrr 16 RP
  • Format: 2xLP
  • Country: US
  • Categories: Folktronic / postworld / jazz Electro / breaks
  • Style: Folk, Oriental, Xp, Surf rock
  • Weight: 0.60
  • Release date: 09/19/2023
  • Catalog entry: 09/19/2023
  • Average rating:

Angrr 16 RP review

Second { as indicated by its album’s title name, ah ah } opus from mysterious∼delicious SECRET CHIEFS 3 and the beginnings of its magic in the (re)search for the destructuring of sounds, musics & concepts stamped SC3. This album is a mixture of «surf», «movie∼soundtracks» and «indian music», embellished with electronic effects and various distortions… The esoteric & mystical dimension of the group appears clearly from this moment, assumed, even if always voluntarily blurred, eh eh !

→ Second grand «special DELUXE» vinyl version, under WEB OF MIMICRY license, the label of Trey Spruance ; This recording was originally released on CD in 1998 through the label AMARILLO…

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