
Musique Du Diable III by

  • Label: Acacia Books, B0rd3l1k
  • Title: Musique Du Diable III
  • Reference: Musique Du Diable III
  • Format: 260 pages
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Comics & books Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Book FR and UK
  • Weight: 1.00
  • Release date: 01/23/2024
  • Catalog entry: 01/23/2024
  • Average rating:

Musique Du Diable III review

This 260 page books offer tons of flyers fac-simile of both side of them. Sometime on the back there are indications, artist contacts, or private jokes... or drawing of the infolines instructions...
A 5 pages text explains the story of it all in french and in english.

This collection of flyers starts in 1993 and ends up in 2003. It's the personnal collection and gathering from Bordellik Armada and friends, from Toulouse to Britany. 480 flyers !

A superb document, printed and serygraphied.
An unique piece ! PURE ART WORK !

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