
Blanc Manioc 33 by Ibaaku, Dioba, Alibeta, Dannielle Eog

Blanc Manioc 33 review

Eight years after the critically acclaimed Alien Cartoon, Senegalese producer IBAAKU returns with a new project an alchemy of jazz, electronic sounds and Casamance music in the tradition of Touré Kunda and Xalam in their day.

The album is also accompanied by a short film
a manifesto of resilience in the face of the sound poet's personal history but also a questioning of the way in which technologies technologies and cultures come together to reinitialize our imaginary.

Identity: The meeting point of electronics, jazz and the musical tradition of Casamance.
The realization of this new project is associated with a research approach to traditional Casamance rhythms, vocals and instruments.

A reference to Spiritual Jazz is present, through stories and approaches ; while the skeleton of IBAAKU's tracks remains experimental,
with strong influences from the emerging african club scene.

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