
Eck Echo 06 by Kaifo

  • Label: Eck Echo
  • Title: Rural
  • Reference: Eck Echo 06
  • Format: 12" LP
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Folktronic / postworld / jazz
  • Style: Bomba, Folk
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/03/2024
  • Catalog entry: 03/03/2024
  • Average rating:

Eck Echo 06 review

Rural is the first long-play work of Carlos Asimbaya (Kaifo), which provides a fully matured vision of Ecuadorian keyboard tradition catapulted into the future, rhythmically sustained by the “bomba” percussion - an Afroandean element that bears witness to the unique history of this country. Trained in classical music composition and inspired by jazz music, Kaifo’s repertoire features haunting, extensive melodies and scales that informs listeners on the depth of Andean landscapes while providing a postmodern dancefloor experience for the megapolis around the globe.

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