
Acid Night 52 by C.Ysme, Dina Rocaille

Acid Night 52 review

A thinlace of acid mental tunes, bringing some space rhythms & structures with a certain Trance state of mind.

Horte is a 4 hands tune from C.Ysme and Dina Rocaille ! Precise like silk.

Tichodrome is a rare bird from Alps mountains that you can see on the visual by Anahata.

Glitch My Mind is a Live excerpt from 2023.

Constantinople brings a mental in-Spiral-ly sound.

A sweet project... We hope you gonna enjoy it !

Mastering : Jo IND
Cut : Simon Davey
Press: Records Industry
Bird Design : Anahara Conception
Visuals Exe : VSteeFDB
Prod & Distro : Toolbox Records

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