
Hydraulix Remix 01 by D.A.V.E. The Drummer, Minor Dott, Jeff Amadeus, H! Dude, Ricciardo

  • Label: Hydraulix
  • Title: Enter The Darkness
  • Reference: Hydraulix Remix 01
  • Format: 12" EP, Transp Magen
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Hard Techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 05/30/2024
  • Catalog entry: 05/30/2024
  • Average rating:

Hydraulix Remix 01 review

Hydraulix labelboss D.A.V.E. The Drummer often does his own remixes of tracks released on Hydraulix. So we though it would be a good idea to grab the best of those remixes and put them on a special vinyl E.P. for all you vinyl junkies out there.
Remastered for vinyl and Cut by D.A.V.E The Drummer @ Curve Pusher. 4 of the best remixes by D.A.V.E. of Minor Dott, Jeff Amadeus, H! Dude, & Ricciardo.

Tracks list

  • 42120-01
    A1 - Minor Dott & Metal Ed - Enter The Darkness - D.A.V.E. The Drummer's Acid MIx
  • 42120-02
    A2 - Jeff Amadeus - Control Room - DTD Remix
  • 42120-03
    B1 - H! Dude - Work My Body - D.A.V.E. The Drummer Remix (Hard Version)
  • 42120-04
    B2 - RICCIARDO (BR) - The Funk - D.A.V.E. The Drummer Remix
  • 42120Add all tracks to a playlist

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