
Southside 02 LTD by The Southside Warriors, Acid Chochi, Marcio M., Tiago Santos

  • Label: Southside
  • Title: Supermassive
  • Reference: Southside 02 LTD
  • Format: 12" EP
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Acid Techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 05/07/2024
  • Catalog entry: 05/07/2024
  • Average rating:

Southside 02 LTD review

Pressed at 200 copies only.

Be warned, do not go gentle into this. The brazilian based Southside imprint brings one not to be messed about release. The blistering A1 cut, Supermassive, is a hard driven, drum filled hard techno by The Southside Warriors (Marcio/Tiago/Chochi). An endless riser with a crazy looped vocal will immediately attract all dancing matter into the dancefloor center, progressively leading the crowd into full chaotic madness.

The B-side starts off with a full blasting acid track by Marcio M and Tiago Santos. The chimes add a blissful atmosphere as Dylan Thomas poem is recited, and sooner enough, a full unrelenting 303 buzz takes over for an energetic travel. Unmissable future classic! The second tracks are lead by Acid Chochi on A2, with a lesson about Microdosing on a very psychedelic way and a collab with Tiago Santos for the B2, on a groovy yet trippy housewife story.

The south america´s infamous Southside Records are back!

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