
Spatial LP 01 by ASC

  • Label: Spatial
  • Title: Reflections
  • Reference: Spatial LP 01
  • Format: 2x12" LP, Transp Col
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Drum & bass
  • Style: Atmospheric Jungle
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 05/17/2024
  • Catalog entry: 05/17/2024
  • Average rating:

Spatial LP 01 review

Fast approaching the label's two year anniversary, what better way to celebrate than with a double header of LP's from the stalwarts of the modern atmospheric scene. Fresh from his incredible album on Over/Shadow, ASC continues to find a new lease of life rekindling the atmospheric drum & bass scene of the 90's, slowing down the pace to reveal a depth that's just not achievable with higher tempos. Reflections is the culmination of ASC's work in the genre, picking up where others jumped off, and breathing new life into music with old school breaks and sensibilities at its core.

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