
Teenage Menopause 49 by Le Prince Harry

Teenage Menopause 49 review

After a relative rest for the two Liège heads, it is time to get back to business. And this business requires four hands to play, very fastly, and two ears, to be listened to very loudly.
Trapped in a frantic chase on a Belgian highway, finally on a slope, this time, we are missing the brakes... and avoiding the famous ruts is imperative for survival.
So here we are, grazing the slide in a shower of magnificent sparks, while being hit by these ten punchy pieces releasing a crazy energy.
Even if the forays towards EBM become more and more pop (if we can use that word here), Punk becomes always more synthetic, Kraut is percussive and martial, but with PRINCE HARRY, it's a long time that the Indus has been moving very fast: at 140bpm on the emergency lane.

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