
OMB 02 Fanzine by ExpExp, Yano, Korpal, Mademoiselle F, Gwen, Le Souffle HXC, Unkown, Ceoro De Las Flores...

  • Label: ExpExp
  • Title: OMB 02
  • Reference: OMB 02 Fanzine
  • Format: A5 36 pages
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Comics & books
  • Style: BD, Fanzine, Comics
  • Weight: 0.20
  • Release date: 07/14/2024
  • Catalog entry: 07/14/2024
  • Average rating:

OMB 02 Fanzine review

36 Pages, colorfull, with paintings, art-photos, souvenirs, unexpected things, music and comics...
Out of the comon fields of course !


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