
Deathchant SP 01 - 1 per order by Hellfish

  • Label: Deathchant
  • Title: Savage Times
  • Reference: Deathchant SP 01
  • Format: 12'' UV Print
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Hardcore
  • Style: Hardcore
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 12/05/2024
  • Catalog entry: 12/05/2024
  • Average rating:

Deathchant SP 01 - 1 per order review

UV PRINT Technology !
One side music / One side legend !

Exclusives vinyl Hardcore medley from killa Hellfish !

One sided record as the flip brings an UV print image... New technology for crazy Walls !

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Customers reviews

Korozyf , 12/29/2024

Des remix sympas avec la bonne dynamique comme dans les débuts 2000 ;)
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 `-`  --` `-`   `-`  `-`  --`   `---`   `-`   `-` 
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