
Mysteries 11 by Verdure, Six Ou Sept, L'Art Cène, Too Old Boyz

  • Label: Mysteries
  • Title: Timeless Wave
  • Reference: Mysteries 11
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Mental Tribe, Acid Tribe, Freetekno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 11/12/2024
  • Catalog entry: 11/12/2024
  • Average rating:

Mysteries 11 review

Verdure – Timeless Wave
With ’Timeless Wave’ Verdure releases an overwhelming acidic tidal force of a track.
A 9 min long epic multi layered surge across various territories and morphing along the way, starting out at 145 bpm and picking up velocity in the course, details whizzing by in unsuspected clarity.
Verdure is featured on his own full release on Violent Cases 031 [VC031] .

Six Ou Sept & L Art Cène – Cap Nord
Darkness is moving over the surface of the watery deep at ’Cap Nord’. Acid lines cut thru the black liquid with sharp fins. Then a long break...is it the swan song of whales or the intercom of AI reapers? The end or a new beginning? When the Acid fades the Tekno kicks in. 150 bpm is the pace. Both long intro and bold beatless interlude create DJ options.

Too Old Boyz – Darkettony
Too Old Boyz are back in town and they are not in the mood for fooling around. It’s getting dark, better check your rear. The lights are flickering and you can’t get off this train. 40 tons rolling through Gotham at 145 bpm.
Too Old Boyz are Tommers and Introspective Views. Check out their ’Danger Is Sauce For Prayers‘ EP on Violent Cases 022. [VC022] and their Rodenwald - Tauchstation Remix on Endless Night 2 [ENNI2].

With another awe inspiring custom artwork by Darkam. Mastered by Pozek in Vienna.

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