
EAT Concrete 03 by Ateeze, Spencer, Evan Odd, Ricecar, Ro Lee, Swonkdog, Evan Odd

  • Label: EAT concrete
  • Title: Sound Pure
  • Reference: EAT Concrete 03
  • Format: LP
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Ambient Electronica
  • Weight: 0.30
  • Release date: 08/05/2006
  • Catalog entry: 03/23/2020
  • Average rating:

EAT Concrete 03 review

Recorded between 1999 and 2006 by different artists, 'Sound Pure' is not just another ambient collection. This compilation exceeds it's individual tracks, just as a soundtrack should. Subsequent tracks build on previous ones, creating an atmosphere that's analogous to that of a remote island: isolated, exotic and unique.

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