
Future Retro London 12 by Loxy, Resound, Double O, Tim Reaper, Basic Rhythm

  • Label: Future Retro London
  • Title: Hellfire
  • Reference: Future Retro London 12
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Drum & bass
  • Style: Jungle, Drum And Bass
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 01/18/2025
  • Catalog entry: 01/18/2025
  • Average rating:

Future Retro London 12 review

What I like about Loxy & Resound, individually & together, is how they're able to bring forward oldskool jungle sounds & vibes in a new way & style, as shown in tunes like Fall VIP, The Lodge, Paradigms, Renaissance, Seraphim and some of Loxy's music on his label Cylon & with other producers like Dylan, Ink & Gremlinz.

Hellfire's a great example of this, doing jungle in a more up to date format & on this release, to accompany the original tune, there's remixes from Double O of Rupture, Basic Rhythm of Raw Basics & myself, all taking the sounds of the original in different directions.

Thanks to Loxy & Resound for allowing me to release Hellfire and to Double O & Basic Rhythm for their remix work.

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