
Future Retro London Synergy by Sully, Coco Bryce, Dwarde, Tim Reaper

  • Label: Future Retro London
  • Title: Synergy
  • Reference: Future Retro London Synergy
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Drum & bass
  • Style: Jungle, Drum And Bass
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 01/18/2025
  • Catalog entry: 01/18/2025
  • Average rating:

Future Retro London Synergy review

The idea for Synergy came after the first Future Retro London night in 2021, where the 4 of us all shared the same lineup for the first time ever, with me going b2b with Dwarde, Coco going b2b with Sully and then all 4 of us playing together for the last hour.

It was so much fun that I wanted to get a tune done for the label with the 4 of us all involved in the making of it, as well as separate remixes done by each of us. Nice one to Dwarde, Coco & Sully for their versions.

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