
Sneaker Social Club 55 by Kaval

Sneaker Social Club 55 review

Is anyone in France keyed into the sound of UK funky as sharply as Kaval? Sneaker sets out a strong case with this four-tracker of cool and deadly shufflers which take that insistent groove and give it a different lick.

Kaval has got plenty going on in Toulouse, where he’s riding the online airwaves with the Egregore Collective and got his name all over the Riddim Supplies series 12”s. Those with their sticky fingers on all the best bits of wax the past few years might have stumbled across those records in the racks. Elsewhere, he’s also locked in with the Ruff Club crew who are bringing the DIY free party vibe to Toulouse under railway lines, in abandoned buildings and anywhere they can sneak a genny, a system, some lights and a vibe. All this is to say Kaval is the real deal, doing things the proper way, and it shows in his tunes.

The cuts on this record are absolutely built for the dance, functional like a DJ record should be but not at the expense of the flair. ‘Combo II’ has fun slipping snatches of MCs around utopian synth licks, while ‘Pistolaser’ is spilling over with crafty micro edits and snappy samples that bring the limber groove to life. The crooked beat and rounded square wave bass is a given, and Kaval wields the rhythm section with poise, but it’s the playful energy he brings to the top end which really lifts his gear. It’s no wonder his tracks have been bumped by the likes of Nick Léon, perfectly bridging the gap from funky into the deft Latin-tinged zones explored by the Miami heavyweight.

It’s records like this that prove exploration of UK funky, like so many club genres, has so much more to give to the dance.

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