
Friendsome Records 07 by Ams

Friendsome Records 07 review

Friendsome Records and Ams are very happy to present to you her 4th EP Sunrises, coming out on November 15th 2024.
This record might be out in the fall, it is like its name, full of sunshine, but also mysterious atmospheres.
Inspired by nature whom Ams is very attached to, as well as influenced by progressive house and trippy electronic music, this EP finally summarizes her true style !
After a few years as a producer it is undoubtedly the best record she produced so far, full of proggy vibes, old school uk tech-house influences and jumping rhythms.
Get ready to hear it being spun by DJs and radios all over the world, and join us for the release party at Badaboum in Paris on November 23rd, with Special guests Peach & Baldo !

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