
Yellow Machines 24 by ScanOne

  • Label: Yellow Machines
  • Title: Ice Cold EP
  • Reference: Yellow Machines 24
  • Format: 12" WL
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle
  • Style: Jungle
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 01/31/2025
  • Catalog entry: 01/31/2025
  • Average rating:

Yellow Machines 24 review

Three tracks available on super limited white label pressing. Hand Stamped, Tagged and Numbered.

Ice Cold - A nod to early/mid 90's tech step / jungle with a modern twist. Ruffage breaks with cold and dark atmospheres and a super low sub treatment. Chorux - Angelic Vocal pads take us on this Jungle Track with IDM influences. Ice Hop - A Glitch Hip Hop take on Ice Cold, Dark & Frosty. Music Written & Produced by ScanOne // Jude Greenaway. Mastered @ Binary Feedback. Cut @ Finyl Tweek.

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