
Mysteries 12 by C.Ysme, Kbyl, Yukai, Kaoslog, Too Old Boys, Keflat 23

  • Label: Mysteries
  • Title: Ânkh
  • Reference: Mysteries 12
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno Pre-orders
  • Style: Mental Tribe, Freetekno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/14/2025
  • Catalog entry: 03/14/2025
  • Average rating:

Mysteries 12 review

Again Mysteries delivers 3 exellent long dark atmospheric tracks upholding the established label philosophy. Mastered by Pozek. Artwork by Darkam.
The tribal triumvirate of C. Ysme, Kbyl and Yukai supply fuel for the nomadic war machine. Relentlessly driving, pushing forward at 150 bpm, only stopping for the next gathering in pirate utopia. A maelstrom swirling, drawing you in to the centre of the dance.
Darkness merchants and veterans Too Old Boyz team up with Kaoslog and descend into the catacombs to deal with the fear factor. In the blackness a synth melody shines like a greenish light. Amply named Adrenaline this track urges to keep on moving and confront the monsters. 150 bpm, epic and hard as nails.
After Mysteries #6, #10 and VC 27 Keflat 23 is back and ups the pace going 170 beats full on pumping tribalistic yet subtle in line with the spirit of Mysteries, carefully laying out a mental map of realms and conzepts unknown. Immer geradeaus but when you see the rabbit ask it for directions.
This release includes a 2 side poster, digital download code and artwork sticker.

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