
Hypnotica Colectiva 22 by 50DIX, Tomasso Girardi

Hypnotica Colectiva 22 review

A new artist appears on the streets of HC Records, he is Andrey Orenstein, a multidisciplinary artist, part of the alternative rock band “Tequilajazz”, with several solo musical incarnations such as: Amor Entrave, for electronic indie rhythms with IDM and broken beats nuances, Do you like trains? for Acid House, and 50DIX, dedicated to street rhythms such as jungle, drum n bass, ghetto house, Juke and Footwork, a pseudonym he uses for Go Ahead! EP, the new and versatile 22nd reference of the Valencian label.

IF U WANT 2 is the elegant track that takes us into the bustling avenues of the megalopolises of the 21st century, where urban rhythms typical of dance battles in Chicago, Footwork and Juke, together with brief Jungle passages alternate in a brilliant composition with funk and jazz nuances, seasoned with clean percussion and distorted bass drums at 160 BPM.

Ghetto House, rough, harsh and acidic define FOOLZ, the second track on side A, in which the demonic power of the 303 sounds embrace the thick and rough voice that together with his infectious laugh set a rhythm as martial as it is playful.

FETTA DI LIMONE, Juke, Footwork and Jungle, a perfect combination of American influences, the legacy of Dj Rashad, together with the English tradition around bass music, are fused by 50DIX with the unexpected and playful Italian lyrics of Tomasso Girardi, in perfect conjunction with the pianos, ethereal pads and mutant synthesizers, which forge the development of the track. An automatic anthem from before the first beat.

Juke, IDM, Halftime and abstract broken rhythms make up the ultimate dance elixir, which is synthesized in the last track of the vinyl titled ICE FEELS KEEN, reaching 170 BPM in a catharsis of braindance, soul and acid exaltation in a dreamy harmony, where the syncopated notes of Oleg Egorov's bass and the velvety voice of Julia Garnits (Ice Hokku) commune.

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