
Future Retro London 19 by Basic Rhythm, Tim Reaper

  • Label: Future Retro London
  • Title: Gargantua
  • Reference: Future Retro London 19
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle Drum & bass Pre-orders
  • Style: Jungle, Drum And Bass
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/07/2025
  • Catalog entry: 03/07/2025
  • Average rating:

Future Retro London 19 review

I talk quite regularly with Basic Rhythm about all sorts of topics and he regularly sends me music that he's working on, of varying styles and sounds. When he sent me Gargantua last year, there was something about it where even though it wasn't very sonically similar to a lot of the other music I've put out on Future Retro London, there was something about that piqued my interest. I played it out a few times and noticed that there was an energy to it that I enjoyed and I eventually got over my hesitations and signed it for the label. I also did my own remix of Gargantua to try out a few ideas I had for how it could sound a bit different but still maintain the spirit of the original.

Selectors Convention was initially made for a forthcoming joint label project (which is to come hopefully next year, fingers crossed) but was better suited for coming out on a release with Gargantua, as I thought it was similar in the hard edge dancefloor approach that is embodied in Gargantua. I also did a VIP of Selectors Convention, based off wanting a special version of it to play at a Future Retro London event.

Thanks to Basic Rhythm for Gargantua (and letting me remix it) as well as supplying the source images for the artwork.

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