
Ant Zen Act 186 CD by Silk Saw

  • Label: Ant Zen
  • Title: 8 Reports
  • Reference: Ant Zen Act 186 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Rythmic Noises
  • Weight: 0.16
  • Release date: 09/02/2006
  • Catalog entry: 09/02/2006
  • Average rating:

Ant Zen Act 186 CD review

8 reports is an album that can be seen as a conceptual work. eight tracks (eight 'reports') about the current state of man and the planet he lives on. however, there is more than enough room for interpretations, personal additions and dissenting votes - marc medea and gabriel severin do not agitate. they do allegorise though and when asked they say 'we hope that people will see the humour inside those reports - a humour you will find in samuel beckett's works for example.' once again the two belgians easily create an aural sphere in which the usual musical laws don't seem to exist, or don't seem to be useful. the same can be said about time itself - a track's duration has no meaning to the listener - time is suspended. some tracks seem to be geometric but try listening to these backwards. the instruments, f.e. synthesizers, 6-string bass guitar and drum computer, are treated in the unusual silk saw way. none the less, you might notice that straight forward rhythms are on the album - 'conductor' or 'faggoted' are good examples. the quiet, dark 'sleep will come' sounds as the title implies, and 'faceless' is something special: broken and un-metric beats. this track is their most recent composition and maybe one of their best tracks - so say the artists. a moody, mesmerizing release, another planet in silk saw's universe.

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