
Brume 13 by Flint Glass

  • Label: Brume
  • Title: Nyarlathotep
  • Reference: Brume 13
  • Format: CD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Industrial
  • Style: Break Donwtempo Indus
  • Weight: 0.18
  • Release date: 04/10/2006
  • Catalog entry: 04/10/2006
  • Average rating:

Brume 13 review

A slightly more melodic, sad and obscure side of Flint Glass that still keeps the cold and dark atmosphere that defines its sound. Inspired by H.P Lovecraft novels, coldness and warmth are constantly fighting for predominance and the quasi-total absence of vocals makes it an extremely visionary record which would be a perfect match for a number of movie soundtracks varying from post apocalyptic to foggy northern woods, from lunar landscapes to horror aberrations. Deeply disturbing and yet unequivocally enjoyable and morbidly relaxing. This album is coming in a beautiful 8 pages digipack designed by Eyelyft and include four excellent remixes by Ah Cama Sotz, This Morn Omina with Empusae, Xabec and Disharmony.

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