
Hymen 754 CD by Kattoo

  • Label: Hymen
  • Title: Hang On To A Dream
  • Reference: Hymen 754 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Romantic Break
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 10/28/2006
  • Catalog entry: 10/28/2006
  • Average rating:

Hymen 754 CD review

if there was a league of imaginary soundtrack composers then volker kahl would be one of its leaders. since 2004 he has given his fanbase one kattoo release per year. 'hang on to a dream' is longingly awaited by his fanbase and as with the previous albums there will be no disappointment. 16 tracks of melancholia, intensity and beauty - a kaleidoscope of acoustic and electronic instruments, sample treatments, syncopated drum and percussion beats. all woven into one continuous work of art (without disturbing intermissions in-between). on this cd, volker departs from his world-music influences and replaces the babylonian disarray with a return to his roots - both as a musician and as an individual. if we keep the imaginary soundtrack as an example then 'megrim' might have been a concept work for mel gibson. 'hang on to a dream', especially tracks like 'you don't know me', would have attracted rainer werner fassbinder's attention for sure. electronic chamber music for the eclectic listener. jewelcase packaging

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