
Marasm 14 by Strident vortix, Vile Enginez, Olgazzz, Mute

  • Label: Marasm
  • Title: Soirée Cagoulée
  • Reference: Marasm 14
  • Format: 7'' Picture
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Breakcore
  • Style: Hip Hop breakcore, Electro-Indus
  • Weight: 0.16
  • Release date: 11/04/2006
  • Catalog entry: 11/04/2006
  • Average rating:

Marasm 14 review

Deeper Marasm with this 4 tracker including an exceptional track featuring Chantale Carbon Band's called Mute. Also avaible on this exclusive 7" Picture a fantastic Ergonomic Noise Electro Olgazz tracks... The other side features a very distorded unformated Strident Vortix tune... The story ends with a romantic downtempo electro indus tune from Same World Different Way. It's a kind of Magic !!

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Customers reviews

Guillaume Marasm , 06/25/2007

Great paintings bu Gorellaume And Gôm were used
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