Koolpop 1214 by Mackjiggah Follow
- Label: Kool Pop Follow this label
- Title: On The Corner
- Reference: Koopop 14
- Format: 12''
- Country: DE
- Categories: Future beats,
- Style: Grime Dubstep
- Weight: 0.24
- Release date: 01/13/2007
- Catalog entry: 01/13/2007
9.36 € (TTC)
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Koolpop 1214 review
Diffenrent as the classical Grime & Dubstepstyle, but still the same tempo-wered. As usual Kool Pop surprises the fashion victims, and changes when people were expecting some more raggacore...
Tracks list
B2 - Float
A1 - Tower
A2 - 24/7
B1 - TNS
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