
Rolax 4506 by Komori, OOO, Takeshi Muto

  • Label: Rolax
  • Title: Convul C.K.
  • Reference: Rolax 4506
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Future beats
  • Style: Electropunk IDM
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/10/2007
  • Catalog entry: 02/10/2007
  • Average rating:

Rolax 4506 review

The label owner Komori puts our his first single project. A solid 6 tracker featuring a wise melt of efficient IDM core and noisy Numeric ambientcore. Decadence of style give birth to a newstyle. Laptop fans will love that Hard Roofmusic.

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Customers reviews

Max Komori , 10/16/2007

Very Live - Dancefloor tracks and Experimental Material : This record is crazy and has nice melodys too ! solid beats for acid Party and funk rock IDM between "DABRYE" and "APHEX TWIN" (Pony bass, 4 days aftr). Some other tracks are more psychedelic and twisted , i think "AUTECHRE" and "NURSE WITH WOUNDS" must have been a major influence for titles like "Convul c K".
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