
Sublight 2501 by RA

  • Label: Sublight
  • Title: WXFDSWXC2
  • Reference: Sublight 2501
  • Format: 2xCD
  • Country: US
  • Categories: Rock wave punk
  • Style: Cold Electro Wave
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 03/17/2007
  • Catalog entry: 03/17/2007
  • Average rating:

Sublight 2501 review

"Wxfdswxc2" is french artist Raoul Sinier's (aka Ra) second full length album the follow up to his debut "Raoul Loves You". "Wxfdswxc2" is 13 tracks of brilliant pop structured elements, overdriven noise guitar, killer synth arangments, dusty beats and catchy vocal bits and bobs not forgetting Ra's use of room recordings and ability to showcase live instruments. Ra is the definition of a renaissance man, his illustration, animation and music all enhance and fulfil one another seamlessly creating a world and genre unto itself, so much in fact we have decided to include an awesome bonus DVD (region free PAL format) in the first 500 copies of "Wxfdswxc2" that features music videos by Raoul Sinier from his new album "Wxfdswxc2" as well as his music video for planet mu artist dDamage, a collection of short films, music videos from Ra's debut album "Raoul Loves You", picture gallery, and plenty more. "You never really know where Ra is going to take you next, Inspired and original, his music is operating on a whole other level

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