
Marasm 16 DVD by Plus De H Moins De N, 1138, Umkra, Buben, Invisible VJ, Lexpekor, Istari Lasterfahrer, Ruelgo& Brice, NHS, Electromeca, Rko, Tzii, K-Ki, DRK

  • Label: Marasm
  • Title:
  • Reference: Marasm 16 DVD
  • Format: DVD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Dvd selecta
  • Style: Breakcore Beauty
  • Weight: 0.18
  • Release date: 03/24/2007
  • Catalog entry: 03/24/2007
  • Average rating:

Marasm 16 DVD review

The Marasm DVD is out.... The very first DVD from the Paris Artikal Breakcore crews. Wonderfull visual &é Shorts Cuts and big Marasm tracks & Killerz. This DVD can be played wherever you are (no U.E./US/JP filters) and is really well done. That's a KILLAZ !!!

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Customers reviews

Guillaume Marasm , 06/25/2007

K-KI and Drk video is selected in 2 shortcuts festivals, perhaps more...

Many different styles on this DVD, flash animations, VideoClip, some parts are frequently used by vjs during their sets (i.e Nohista, VJ meat, K-ki...).

A material to be used !
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