
Tsuku Boshi 02 by Poborsk

  • Label: Tsukuboshi
  • Title: Droïd Topiary Frame
  • Reference: Tsuku Boshi 02
  • Format: MLP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Electro Break Experimental, Skweee
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 04/21/2007
  • Catalog entry: 04/21/2007
  • Average rating:

Tsuku Boshi 02 review

Reviews : Norman Records review = Cactus Island's uber collectable 3" CD series goes from strength to strength this week with 'LoO' from POBORSK. This kicks off with the title track which has a lazy hip hop tempo with lots of fluid, liquid under water type synthetic sounds. Then 'Reelizdimdumb' smacks you round the skull with some difficult beats and odd electronic sounds and arrangements. There's definitely a groove there though as I'm nodding my head like one of those toy dogs on a parcel shelf. 'Wonkeebiz' does what it says on the packet. Some serious wonky business with a hypnotic beat. 'Fausbuild' ups the tempo slighty and is a tad heavier as mystical synth melodies weave in and out of the awkward stop start rhythms. For fans of Skam, Spezial Materials and deep crunchie electronics. Quality as ever from this label. Smallfish review = So, the final release of 2006 for Cactus Island lands and, as you might imagine, it's an absolute stonker. Taking cues from Electro and classic Electronica Poborsk delivers a heady hit of pure manipulation and wonderfully dense programming. There are elements of melody, funkiness, crispyness and even a cheeky Electro factor that gives the tracks some real groove. But, at heart, this is Electronica done in that special, timeless way that (go on, admit it...) we all love to love. Quirky, fun and extremely ear-pleasing indeed... this is what it's all about. Get yourself some Cactus Island fun for Christmas... I'd highly recommend it! Etherreal : Après l'Italie (Quiroga) et la Roumanie (Yvat), Cactus Island continue son tour d'Europe et s'arrête en France pour la première sortie physique de Poborsk, dernier disque de l'année pour le label de Tim Martin et Steve Broca.C'est une electronica aux sonorités légèrement acérées et aux consonances métalliques que nous propose l'artiste français (Reelizdimdumb). Pour autant, sa musique sait également se parer d'atours plus chatoyants comme ces éléments aquatico-numériques du morceau-titre ou les mélodies attrayantes de Wonkeebiz. Mais il est vrai que l'essentiel du propos de Poborsk se concentre sur ce travail spécifique sur les rythmiques, les triturant, les déstructurant et en superposant plusieurs couches. Rejointes ensuite par les lignes chromatiques décrites précédemment, elles constituent une electronica à la frontière de l'IDM.... François Bousquet le 21/12/2006

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