
Analog Tecne Model CD 01 by Hesed

  • Label: Analog Tecne Model
  • Title: Onde Anomale
  • Reference: Analog Tecne Model CD 01
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Electro Acid
  • Weight: 0.10
  • Release date: 04/28/2007
  • Catalog entry: 04/28/2007
  • Average rating:

Analog Tecne Model CD 01 review

An excellent electro Acid & Breakz album. The first one, from Hesed ATM. The whole thing sounds Electro, starting oldschool and growing more and more breakz to ends is a very close to be hardtek dancefloor... This travel will leads you very different electro-chapels such as Miami, belgium EBM or german electrance, Drill-breakz... The fact that a Free/Tribe artist does such a music might appear surprising for some, but actually it is not : where artist can be free to develop the sound they want elswhere than in an environment where there is no marketting or commercial superstructures to dictate the tastes...

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