
Sonig 62 by Fan Club Orchestra

  • Label: Sonig
  • Title: Si DC erutufu
  • Reference: Sonig 62
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Future beats
  • Style: Electro-punk
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/23/2007
  • Catalog entry: 06/23/2007
  • Average rating:

Sonig 62 review

The Fan Club Orchestra is a side project of Scratch Pet Land with more or less 10 people involved. They play percussion, guitar, harmonica, gameboys, mouth organs, trombone, turntables and lots of other instruments and devices. Everything depends on the energy of the group and their ability to improvise together. Laurent Baudoux gives the directions on an overhead projector . He makes drawings, gives the BPM, he introduces musical themes and he manipulates the mixing board that gets all the sounds of all the musicians. After all the sound data is recorded (at live concerts or improv sessions) Laurent and Nicolas Baudoux edit the recordings in their studio. They released a record on vinyl in 2000, it is called 'sun papa and the fan club orchestra vol.1' and another called "Volume 2" which was finished in 2001. (you can still get them from sonig.com mailorder!) Now the two vinyl records of the Fan Club Orchestra have been remastered and edited to become the first electronic-live-improv-orchestra compact disc.

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